Educator Philosophy

A little research about: Educational Philosophies:

While studying to be teachers, we are often asked to write out our personal educational philosophies. This is not just an empty exercise; a paper only meant to be filed in the back of a drawer. To the contrary, your educational philosophy statement should be a document that serves to guide and inspire you throughout your teaching career. It captures the positive aspirations of your career and should act as a centerpiece around which all of your decisions rotate.

When writing your educational philosophy statement, consider the following:

·         What do you see is the grander purpose of education in a society and community?
·         What, specifically, is the role of the teacher in the classroom?
·         How do you believe students learn best?
·         In general, what are you goals for your students?
·         What qualities do you believe an effective teacher should have?
·         Do you believe that all students can learn?
·         What do teachers owe their students?

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